Affirmations: A Tool for Personal Brand Growth
A little while ago my son mentioned to me that he didn’t like the way his teeth looked. I thought to myself, he is way too young to be concerned about his appearance already, but I also remembered I was 9 once. After I processed his comment, I reminded him that he was very handsome and of course he insisted that I was just saying that because I have to, I’m his mother! While that may have been true- he is indeed a handsome little fella. However, what I realized was that he needed confirmation...wait not just confirmation, he needed an affirmation.
I let me him know that, we had to figure out what he was going to say to himself everyday in the mirror while brushing his teeth. I explained to him that he has to say something positive about himself daily and we proceeded to develop an affirmation that was actually an acronym - something easy for him to remember.
Daily affirmations offer a simple reminder of who you are, your purpose, and provides motivation for the day. It’s easy enough to access negative news daily, but what about crafting your own positive headline for the day. I am a firm believer that there is power in words. I often tell my family to make sure they are mindful of what they are putting in the air.
“This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.”
This is my daily affirmation, yep it’s a scripture first, but it’s also my reminder that it’s a new day, with new opportunities and I need to have joy and be excited about it! I quote this when it’s sunny outside, when my email inbox has exploded or if my two year old is running up and down the hallway crying my name. Even on days when I feel sluggish, and uninspired I quote this scripture - my affirmation. My son knows how to finish it when I come down the stairs in the morning - shouting… “THIS IS THE DAY….”
Affirmations are powerful, and there are times when we need to speak life to ourselves.
I understand, there are some days when you just don’t feel like showing up. You are thinking in your mind that you don’t have the energy today to be present…AND this is where you insert your affirmation. A daily personal positive proclamation may help activate what you know to be true about yourself. It may help ignite the fire that is slowly going out.
Affirmations are...
A daily declaration
A statement
A positive proclamation
An assurance
An oath
A vow
A guarantee
A promise
A pledge
I absolutely love Amanda Gorman’s affirmation. She’s mentioned in several interviews that she says this before she goes out to perform.
“I’m the daughter of black writers who are descended from Freedom fighters who broke chains and changed the world. They call me.”
Why are affirmations important for your personal brand growth? They remind you to think positively about what is important to you, and make you mindful of those unique attributes that allow your personal brand to thrive. Create affirmations that align with what your personal brand means.
A few other things to consider...
Know this is something you are going to say aloud everyday, hence the daily part!
Think about what you need to get you going for the day. What do you want to see manifested in your day - choose the affirmation that aligns with that!
Here’s the secret sauce - you have to actually believe what you’re saying or this will not work!
It doesn’t have to be, but it can be the same affirmation everyday; the important part is that you are saying it daily!
I combed through my many notebooks and journals on the bookshelf and was reminded of a few of my own affirmations that I’ve jotted down....
I am Free. I am Creative and I am blessed.
I speak and believe with Authority!
Today I will operate in excellence!
I can only be G, who God made me to be.
Girl, get out of your feelings!
I have Peace. Patience. and Strength.
I am a winner today, no matter the challenges, barriers or obstacles...I’m going to win today!
What are your affirmations? Oh wait...what? You don’t have any?
Well, today is the perfect day to create them!
Trust me, they will help you as you continue to nurture your personal brand.