3 Ways to Celebrate Your Wins...ALL of Them!
Give it a minute…
It doesn’t matter how great or small the WIN, you need to acknowledge it. Give it a minute to breathe, take up space in your life and have a presence.
When is the last time you celebrated a win? I mean really celebrated...you stopped, you commended yourself on a job well done and you took the time to embrace the moment?
I know..it’s kind of hard to identify a time when you really did that. I am personally guilty of this. I share with folks all the time, when you take inventory of all that you’ve accomplished in a week, a month, a year….WOW….we can really see how blessed we are. You can appreciate all of the hard work.
…And it’s not just business or brand related wins that we need to celebrate - ALL of them deserve recognition…
You just landed a new client
You just moved to a new home
You finally decided to finish your LLC process
You got engaged
You completed the outline for your book
You launched your blog
You went to the gym 3 days in a row
It doesn’t matter how great or small the win, you need to acknowledge it. Give it a minute to breathe, take up space in your life and have a presence.
Here are ways I celebrate my wins - consider a few:
Treat yourself: Go out to your favorite brunch spot, or hit up that little cafe you love but you only go there on special occasions because you count calories every time you have their pastries.
Share your win with others: I’m not saying you need to boast about it, but let someone else in on the celebration. There is someone out there who has been watching you put in the work; the late nights, the early mornings the traveling...all of it, they know that you’ve been working hard to get to this WIN. I don’t think it’s so bad if you asked them to help you celebrate.
Document one win, before you start plotting on your next: Mark it today, in your Google calendar or planner “On May 2, 2019 I accomplished XYZ”. Here’s why this is so important, when your having one of those days or weeks when you’re feeling stuck, you can go back through your calendar and remind yourself of what you’ve done. It will serve as a simple nod to let you know that you can do it, whatever it is...it will remind you that you can WIN again!
Remember this…ALL wins matter, and even those small ones...they will add up and help you achieve the BIG goals that you’ve set for yourself.